Under section 362B of the Public Health Act 2005 (QLD) there is a Direction from the Chief Health Officer in relation to entry into Queensland. Do you understand the Directions and what this means for you?
If you are seeking to enter, or proposing to enter Queensland from another State or Territory you are required to:
- provide a valid Queensland Border Declaration Pass; and
- provide an undertaking that the person will present for a COVID-19 test if the person develops symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within 14 days of entering Queensland; and
- comply with the undertaking while present in Queensland.
Further to the Declaration Pass, you must provide information as requested in relation to the following:
- Your full name, date of birth, phone number, address and email address; and
- Whether you are a confirmed or cleared case of COVID-19, and
- If requested you must provide satisfactory evidence of your identity (for example, a driver’s licence or Medicare care card); and
- If requested, you are required to provide evidence that the person resides in the border zone; and
- Any other information required by an emergency officer (public health).
The following questions may be asked in relation to the previous 14 days prior to attempting to enter Queensland if you have; been overseas, been in a COVID-19 hotspot, had contact with a person who is a confirmed case of COVID-19, been a cleared case of COVID-19, had symptoms consistent with COVID-19; or if a border zone resident, been in a COVID-19 hotspot outside the border zone. Failure to provide the information as requested can lead to criminal penalties.
If you fail to comply with the Direction the maximum penalty is 6 months imprisonment or $13,345.00.