Former suspect in the murder of Daniel Morcombe and notorious paedophile is to be released after 25 years in custody. Jackway will be required to wear a tracker and live in the Wacol precinct when released on a community protection order.
On 15 December 2020 Jackway appeared in the Supreme Court at Brisbane before Judged Brown.
An Application was made by Jackway under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 (QLD) for a review of the continuing detention of Jackway. The Application was the seventh annual review of Jackways’ continued detention.
The Attorney-General argued that Jackway should continue under a detention order, whereas Jackway’s counsel contended that he should be released under a proposed supervision order. It was a matter for Jackway to satisfy the Court, meaning the onus falls on him that he should be released.
Jackway has a significant criminal history with relevant offences in 1991 whereby he committed a rape against a female child and a series of offences against a male child in 1995. Jackway has not committed further sexual offences since 1995.
Jackway has undergone examination by two psychiatrists for the purpose of this application, both psychiatrists have previously examined him.
The reports indicated an incident in May 2020 whereby Jackway was involved in a fight in custody. Jackway had admitted to abusing opioid drugs, but ceased in March 2020. It was indicated that Jackway was requesting professional assistance in this regard.
In determining a supervision order the Court was satisfied there is an unacceptable risk that the prisoner will commit a serious sexual offence thereby being a serious danger to the community unless an order is made. The Court was satisfied that Jackway is a serious danger to the community in the absence of a supervision order. The Court further indicated that Jackway was a moderate risk to the community.
Ultimately the Court released Jackway from custody to be subject to a supervision order for a period of 15 years. The supervision order contains orders such as; case management meetings twice weekly, curfews, GPS tracking and random testing for illicit substances up to twice weekly.
What are your thoughts, what should the jail system do with convicted paedophiles?