Brooke Winter Solicitors

Yeppoon Law Firm

Our Yeppoon lawyers can help with a wide range of legal services. Whether you’re facing a criminal charge like drink driving, or you’d like a lawyer for a minor traffic incident, we can help. 

We offer free, mobile consultations. So if you’re in need of representation, please feel free to contact us online or call a nearby office and we’ll organise a convenient time and place for you.

Legal Services Our Yeppoon Lawyers Specialise in

Our team of Yeppoon lawyers offer comprehensive legal services and defences. If you’re facing a legal problem, please contact us and we can help either recommend a service or help you find the help you may need. 

Brooke Winter Solicitors specialises in crime, traffic, and domestic violence. But, we do provide a wide range of legal services in regional Queensland and Yeppoon. Our areas of practice include:

  • Criminal law (assault, drug offences, weapon offences, fraud, and more)
  • Traffic law (drink driving, drug driving, unlicensed/disqualified driving, and more)
  • Domestic violence (domestic violence cases, peace and good behaviour orders)
  • Personal injury, will and estate legal help, and family law

If you’re experiencing a legal issue, our solicitors can help. Don’t take the risk of going to court or proceeding with your case without professional help and experience as consequences can be severe. Whether it’s advice and guidance, or representation in court to protect your interests, we encourage you to contact us.

Why Choose Our Solicitors

Brooke Winter Solicitors have a proven record of success providing legal defence across Australia. We’re confident we’re lawyers Yeppoon can trust with their cases. Whether you’re recently accused of a criminal offence, or you have a court date set, we encourage you to contact us.

  • We offer mobile consultations, so we can meet at a place convenient for you. 
  • Our Principal Lawyer, Brooke Winter, is an ex-police prosecutor. So, we understand what you’re up against and we’re ready to fight your case.
  • We operate both during and outside of office hours. So if you have an emergency, our team will be available.
  • 20+ years of courtroom experience
  • Confident team of lawyers and solicitors across the country.
  • Consistently positive testimonials from clients we’ve worked with

Please feel free to learn more about our firm or our legal services here on our site. If you’re still unsure, please give our office a call. Our team is easy to deal with and ready to help.

Book a Consultation With Our Yeppoon Lawyers

Knowing when to seek legal advice can be the key to effectively managing your case. Whether you’re defending a criminal charge, facing a personal injury, or needing a will to be written or contested, it can be daunting. Prompt action can be the difference between effective defence or hefty fines and imprisonment.

To get started with legal defence, please contact us online or give our office a call. As mobile lawyers, we can arrange your consultation at a time and place convenient to you. So wherever you’re based in Yeppoon or across regional Queensland, we can meet you there.

Brooke Winter Solicitors have a team of drink driving lawyers Coolangatta can rely on for reliable defence. With over 20 years of courtroom experience and the convenience of mobile consultations, our team is dedicated to achieving the best outcomes for you. Call now or book a consultation to get started.

How Our Coolangatta Drink Driving Lawyers Help

With over 20 years of courtroom experience, Brooke Winter Solicitors’ professional team of Gold Coast traffic lawyers is dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcome for your situation. We understand that each case is unique, so we take the time to listen and provide advice tailored to your needs.

Our Coolangatta drink driving lawyers will explain the court process, your rights, and responsibilities in simple terms, guiding you through every step. We also handle all interactions with Queensland Police on your behalf. With an ex-police prosecutor on staff, we understand both sides of the law and are committed to being on your side.

What Are the Penalties for Drink Driving?

If you have been charged with a DUI offence in Coolangatta or elsewhere in Queensland, the penalties can be severe. Depending on the circumstances, you could face:

  • Licence disqualification
  • Hefty fines
  • Imprisonment

Additionally, if your charge is combined with another driving-related offence, such as dangerous or unlicensed driving, or if it is a repeated offence, you could face all or a combination of these penalties. 

For more detailed information, visit legal sources like the Queensland Government’s Transport Department or feel free to contact us for fast advice. We can help discuss your options and how we can help you get the best possible outcome.


Services Our Lawyers Assist With

Our team of Coolangatta drink driving lawyers can provide expert advice and assistance with:

Our team of Gold Coast traffic lawyers and criminal lawyers can also offer assistance with criminal offences. Our team includes:

  • Brooke Winter, Principal
  • Sammi Dutschke, Solicitor
  • Allanah Patron, Solicitor
  • Shelby Thompson, Solicitor

We offer competitive fixed-fee pricing for our services. Don’t risk losing your licence or facing other severe penalties. Contact our Coolangatta lawyers to discuss your matter and arrange a phone consultation.

Contact our Coolangatta Drink Driving Lawyers

When you’re ready to discuss your case, we’re here to listen. You can reach out to our team of Coolangatta drink driving lawyers by booking a mobile consultation or by calling us directly at 1300 066 669. From our initial conversation to the resolution of your case, you can rest assured that you will receive attentive, personalised service from a team that cares about your case as much as you do.

Prompt legal advice can make the difference in the outcome of your case. Contact us today, and let’s start discussing your defence strategy.

Brooke Winter Solicitors

Rockhampton Law Firm

Are you facing a criminal or traffic charge? Need a lawyer in Rockhampton or the surrounding areas? Our Rockhampton lawyers can help. Our Principal Lawyer, Brooke Winter, is an ex-police prosecutor so we understand what you’re up against and are ready to fight your case.

If you’re unclear about what your legal options are on your case, please don’t hesitate to contact us online to ask.

Solicitors Rockhampton

If you are experiencing a stressful legal problem, our expert lawyers can provide the guidance and representation you need to protect your interests. Don’t take the risk of going to court without professional help as the consequences can be severe, including loss of licence, heavy fines, mandatory community service, and imprisonment.

Our solicitors in Rockhampton specialise in criminal law, traffic law, and domestic violence. If you’ve been charged with, or are experiencing:

Contact us today to resolve your case as soon as possible. 

Why Choose Our Rockhampton Lawyers and Solicitors?

Our Rockhampton lawyers have a track record of success spanning over a decade. With many satisfied clients, Brooke Winter Solicitors stands as a trustworthy legal firm in Rockhampton. Our commitment is to deliver exceptional service and superior outcomes for all your legal requirements.

We believe in empowering our clients through knowledge. It’s our goal to keep you thoroughly informed about your rights and responsibilities throughout your case, enabling you to make well-informed decisions. For professional legal guidance from experienced solicitors, feel free to reach out to us at your earliest convenience. Contact us today.

When to get in touch with a Rockhampton Lawyer

Knowing when to seek legal advice in Rockhampton can be the key to effectively managing your legal situation. Legal issues can be daunting, whether they’re related to criminal charges, family law disputes, or traffic offences. That’s why we encourage you to reach out to our Rockhampton lawyers at the earliest sign of legal trouble. Prompt action can often be crucial, allowing for better preparation and a more informed approach to your case. If you’re facing legal challenges, unsure about your rights, or simply need guidance on what steps to take next, our experienced team is here to offer clear, supportive advice and robust representation. Get in touch today.

Brooke Winter Solicitors

Domestic Violence Orders

Do you need a domestic violence lawyer on the Gold Coast? If you have you been served with an application for a Domestic Violence Order, or if you wish to make an application against someone else, our experienced domestic violence lawyers can help you in either of these situations.

Call: 1300 066 669

Are you a victim of Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a common, yet distressing situation. Many behaviours can be domestic violence, including physical, emotional, or economic abuse. If you have experienced domestic violence in your relationship, you might be able to make an application for a Domestic Violence Order.

Our Gold Coast domestic violence lawyers can help you:

It can be a difficult time. Having the support of a domestic violence lawyer can reduce stress and uncertainty. Contact us now for a phone consultation.

Temporary Domestic Violence Orders

A temporary order is an order that has been put in place by a magistrate who has heard an application for a protection order and has deemed that a temporary order is necessary for the circumstances. The temporary DVO will come into effect once the respondent has been served with the order by a member of the Queensland Police Service if they weren’t present in court when the order was made.

A temporary order can be changed which is one of the benefits of them being temporary. Whenever you are back in court, the order will be reconsidered to ensure that they keep up with changing circumstances in your matter.

A temporary DVO can include any terms that would ordinarily be included in final protection order and can include prohibitions from approaching someone’s home, their workplace, contacting them, or posting things on the internet amongst many other conditions.

If you have been served with a temporary protection order, immediately contact a solicitor and get legal advice as to what the terms mean because if you breach any term of the order, it is considered a criminal offence.

What Happens if I Have Been Served with an Order?

You must carefully read the order that has been served upon you, together with the supporting application. You may agree or disagree with the application, but you must make a very careful decision about what you do because it could affect you later on (particularly if there are Family Law proceedings in place or likely to commence).

Once you have been served with an order of the court, you must strictly comply with it. You will be notified of the date that your matter will be heard in court. If you fail to appear in court, then it is likely that an order will be made in your absence.

At court, you can agree to a final order (with or without making admissions), or you can contest the order. If you choose to agree, then it is likely that the court will make the order that day. If you contest the order, your matter will be adjourned to another day for the hearing of evidence. Here is some more information for DVO respondents.

We can represent you in court to protect your interests. If you work with Brooke Winter Solicitors, a specialist Gold Coast domestic violence lawyer will help you to understand your options. Together, we will work towards the best possible outcome for your situation. 

Domestic violence is when one person behaves in a way that controls or dominates another person and causes fear for their safety and wellbeing. It happens in intimate, family or informal care relationships.

It can take many forms:

  • physical or sexual abuse—punching, hitting, choking, or threatening to punch or hit, forcing a person to participate in sexual acts, damaging someone’s property or threatening to damage property, including hurting or threatening to hurt pets
  • emotional or psychological abuse—stalking, repeated text messaging, making insulting comments, calling someone names, blackmailing or extorting, preventing contact with family and/or friends, controlling someone’s appearance, putting them down, threatening to expose their sexual orientation
  • economic abuse—denying, withholding, controlling or misusing money or property, or threatening to do so
    threatening behaviour—saying things or acting in a way to make someone feel afraid, threatening to commit suicide or self-harm, stalking
  • coercive behaviour—forcing, intimidating or manipulating a person to do things they don’t want to do, such as sign a contract (e.g. for a loan) or a legal document giving another person power over their affairs (e.g. power of attorney).

Domestic violence extends to children seeing violence, like their parent being hurt, being called names, things being broken or police arriving.

There are many Government and community support services to help you if you’re in a domestic violence relationship. Most of them provide free services.

Two immediate services are listed below:


DVConnect’s Womensline is Queensland’s only 24 hour, 7 days a week crisis response telephone helpline. It is a service for Queenslanders who want to escape domestic and family violence.

The number one goal of Womensline is to respond to immediate safety needs. Womensline offers free, specialist crisis counselling, as well as information, referrals and support to people living with domestic and family violence. Each day our counsellors support Queenslanders who fear violent partners, ex-partners, or family members. They need a safe place for themselves, their children, and in a lot of cases, their pets.

In 2017/2018 financial year, Womensline received 98,174 phone calls and referrals.


DVConnect’s Mensline is a free, confidential telephone crisis counselling, referral and support service for men living in Queensland. This service is available 9am until midnight, 7 days a week. In the last financial year, DVConnect’s Mensline received almost 15,000 phone calls and referrals.

DVConnect’s Mensline offers counselling, referral and support for both:

  • Men who are experiencing domestic and family violence
  • Men who are using violence in their relationships

When making an application for a domestic violence order, one can apply to have children included on the protection order if they have been exposed to domestic violence. Exposure to domestic violence includes hearing, seeing, or otherwise experiencing domestic violence.

This includes situations where a child helps a family member who has been injured as a result of domestic violence or where a child sees damaged property in their home as a result of domestic violence. An unborn child can also be deemed to have been exposed to domestic violence.

The Magistrate will consider the request to include children on the domestic violence protection order and will do so if the court deems it necessary and desirable to protect the children from domestic violence.

If someone has lodged an application for a domestic violence order (DVO) against you, you will be called ‘the respondent’ on the application and in the courtroom.

A police officer will give you a copy of the application. It’s important that you read the application carefully. The application will include the allegations made against you by the aggrieved (person who will be protected by the order) and a date and time that you need to go to court.

You can appear in court by yourself or with your lawyer. If you want representation but can’t afford a lawyer, contact Legal Aid Queensland or your local courthouse.

If you have received an application and don’t go to court when you’re required to, the court can make a final protection order or temporary protection order (two types of DVOs) against you in your absence.

A magistrate may also issue a warrant for police to take you into custody and bring you to court.

It is a criminal offence to breach a Domestic Violence Order.

A defendant who breaches a Domestic Violence or Protection Order in Queensland is liable to a maximum of three years imprisonment or a fine up to 120 penalty units ($14,136).

If you have previously been convicted of a domestic violence offence, this penalty is increased to five years imprisonment or a fine up to 240 penalty units ($28, 272).

Alternatively, a Court may order a term of probation, requiring that a defendant participate in domestic violence courses or any other intervention deemed necessary by the Probation and Parole office.

A breach of a Domestic Violence Order may also result in a criminal record.

A court can also make an intervention order when it is making or varying a domestic violence order.

An intervention order requires the respondent to attend an approved intervention program and/or counselling to address the respondent’s violent behaviour. This order can only be made with the respondent’s consent. The court can only make an intervention order if it is satisfied there is an appropriate program or counselling available at a reasonably convenient location to the respondent.

The Court will consider that the Respondent has breached an Order of the Court and will be unlikely to vary the Domestic Violence Order in a way that is favourable to the Respondent. It is not a criminal offence to breach an intervention order, however, it is noted on the Court file and can be used against the Respondent in future proceedings.

If you’re experiencing domestic violence, you can apply for a domestic violence order (DVO). The DVO sets out conditions that must be obeyed by the person who has committed the violence (‘the respondent’). You can complete the relevant application form online or download and print the form to complete it by hand.

When completing the form, answer all the questions on the form and include as much information as possible, including what domestic violence has happened or been threatened, and when and where it occurred.

Try to provide as much detail as you can and, when describing what the respondent has said to you, try to use their words as you remember them. You can attach extra pages to your application.

There is no cost to apply for a domestic violence order.

Domestic Violence Information

1. What is domestic and family violence?

2. What is a Domestic Violence Order?

3. How to apply for a protection order

4. What happens in court?

5. What if I’m served?

6. Understanding the conditions on a Domestic Violence Order

Brooke Winter Solicitors

Drink Driving Gold Coast

Have you been charged with drink driving? Don’t risk hefty fines or losing your licence. Speak to our experienced Gold Coast drink driving lawyers (DUI lawyer) now.

Call: 1300 066 669

With over 20 years’ courtroom experience, Brooke Winter Solicitors’ professional team of Gold Coast traffic lawyers will make sure you get the best possible outcome for your situation. Don’t risk losing your licence, a heavy fine or in some cases, imprisonment, contact us now.

We know each situation is different, so we take the time to listen to you and offer advice tailored to your individual needs. Using simple terminology, we will explain the court process, your rights and responsibilities, and guide you through the journey from beginning to end. Our Gold Coast criminal defence lawyers will also deal with Queensland Police on your behalf so you don’t have to.

With an ex-police prosecutor on staff, we know both sides of the law. And we’re on your side.

Penalties for Drink Driving on the Gold Coast

If you have been charged with a DUI offence in the state of Queensland (and depending on the severity of your charge), the penalties could include:

  • Licence disqualification
  • Hefty fines
  • Imprisonment

If your charge is combined with another driving-related offence such as dangerous or unlicenced driving, or if it is a repeated offence, then you could be facing all or a combination of these penalties. View a table of drink driving penalties for QLD and NSW for more information or visit legal sources like the Queensland Government’s Transport Department.

Talk to an experienced lawyer immediately to discuss your options.

How Our Gold Coast Drink Driving Lawyers Can Help

Depending on the circumstances of your case, Brooke Winter Solicitors can provide advice and assist with:

  • Applying for a Restricted Work Licence if you rely on your licence for employment obligations.
  • Applying for a Special Hardship Order if you rely on your licence for family obligations.
  • Reducing your licence disqualification period and possibly the amount of your fine.

We can also assist with criminal offences on the Gold Coast.

Talk to our Gold Coast DUI Lawyers:

Our Gold Coast drink driving lawyers with Brooke Winter Solicitors offer competitive fixed-fee pricing.

Don’t risk losing your licence or worse, contact our Gold Coast lawyers (located in Southport) to discuss your matter and arrange a phone consultation.

Questions Our Solicitors Can Help Answer

If you’re caught drink driving, you will have to go to court to determine penalties.

During this time, a magistrate will determine the length of license disqualification and whether you’ll be fine or sentenced to a term of imprisonment.

This decision and severity of your penalty is based on variables like:

  • blood/breath alcohol concentration (BAC) at the time of the offence
  • traffic history, like whether you have been previously convicted of a drink driving offence.

If you’re unsure of what you may be facing, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Whether or not you’re ready to defend your case, we can help advise your current situation.

Offering mobile consultations is something we’re proud to do to ensure everyone has access to our team. Our drink driving lawyers service the whole Gold Coast in places like Coolangatta, Southport and surrounds, as well as wider Australia. With physical offices here on the coast in Southport, and across the country from further north in Queensland to Tasmania, we’re confident we can get to you and provide you with reliable defence.

Our drink driving lawyers will fight to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved for both your license and longterm criminal record. If you need your license for work (travelling to or as part of your responsibilities), we may be able to help you apply for a restricted work license.

We can assist in preparing your application and representing you in court to increase your chances of obtaining a work licence, allowing you to drive for work purposes during your disqualification period.

Repeat drink driving offences can carry more severe penalties, including longer licence disqualifications, higher fines, and possible imprisonment. Our lawyers can help you understand your options and work to achieve the best possible outcome.

Brooke Winter Solicitors

Gold Coast Criminal Law Firm

Have you been charged with a criminal offence on the Gold Coast? Don’t risk your freedom. Speak with an experienced lawyer now.

Call: 1300 066 669

With over 20 years’ courtroom experience in Criminal Law, Brooke Winter Solicitors’ professional team of defence lawyers will strive to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation. Don’t risk a heavy penalty or jail time, contact us now to discover what your options are.

We know that each case is different, so we take the time to listen to you and offer professional advice tailored to your individual needs no matter what the charge. Using simple terminology, we will explain the court process and police procedures, your rights and responsibilities, and guide you through the journey from beginning to end so you know what to expect. Our lawyers will also deal with Queensland Police on your behalf so you don’t have to.

With an ex-police prosecutor on staff, we know both sides of the law. And we’re on your side.

Experienced Gold Coast Criminal Lawyers & Solicitors

If you are been charged with or investigated for an offence, it can be a very stressful time. We take this seriously and aim for our clients to gain the information they need quickly, even if it is outside office hours. Our team leaves their mobile phones switched on so that you can reach them in an emergency. 

No matter where you are located our lawyers can come to you. Our Gold Coast criminal defence lawyers have a wealth of experience and are dedicated to providing you with the best possible outcome given your individual circumstances.

We service all of Gold Coast and its surroundings. Our Gold Coast criminal lawyers have experience appearing in all Courts, including the Supreme Court, District Court, and Magistrates Court.  

Brooke Winter Solicitors offer competitive fixed fee pricing.

Don’t risk your freedom or your future, contact our Gold Coast criminal lawyers to discuss your matter and arrange a consultation.

Criminal Law Services We Can Help You With

If you’ve been charged with a traffic offence, it is important to seek advice. Our team of experienced Gold Coast criminal lawyers can advise you in relation to all types of traffic offences, including: drink driving, dangerous driving, careless driving, driving whilst unlicensed, speeding offences, and more.

Driving whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol (drink driving) is a serious offence in Queensland. The penalties for DUI can be very severe, and may include a prison sentence, loss of licence, and a fine. If you have been charged with drink driving, it is important to seek legal advice as soon as you can.

If you’ve been charged with a drug offence, it is important to seek advice from a lawyer as soon as possible. Our team of experienced lawyers can advise you on all types of drug offences, including: possession of drugs, supply of drugs, production of drugs, and more.

If you’ve been charged with an assault offence, it is important to seek advice. Our team of experienced lawyers can advise you in relation to all types of assault charges, including: common assault, grievous bodily harm, assault occasioning ABH, and more.

If you’ve been charged with a sexual assault offence, it is important to seek advice from a lawyer as soon as possible. Sexual assault offences are serious criminal offences. Our team of lawyers can advise and assist you on all types of sexual assault charges.

If you’ve been charged with a robbery or theft offence, it is important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. Our experienced Gold Coast criminal lawyers can advise and assist you on all types of robbery, theft, and stealing charges.

Do You Need a Criminal Defence Lawyer on the Gold Coast?

Have you been charged with a criminal offence? Our team of experienced Gold Coast criminal lawyers can provide you with the advice and representation you need to ensure the best possible outcome for your case. 

Our team specialise in criminal defence. Our role is to sit down with you and work out the strategy that is going to get the best result in your case. We understand that being charged with a criminal offence can be a daunting and stressful experience, which is why we are here to help you through every step of the process.

Brooke Winter Solicitors

Your Sunshine Coast Law Firm

If you live on the Sunshine Coast, it can be difficult to find a lawyer with experience relevant to your case. To book a mobile consultation with Sunshine Coast lawyers, call us on 1300 066 669.

Our professional team of Sunshine Coast lawyers will advise and represent you on any criminal law, traffic law, or domestic violence matter. As trusted solicitors, we have offices and service locations across Australia. Locally, our lawyers are based in Maroochydore, but are mobile and can travel to you. 

We know situations involving legal cases are stressful. One way our Sunshine Coast lawyers will help you is by being reachable whenever you need us. So, on top of being mobile, our phones are always on and here for emergencies. With over 20 years of courtroom experience, we’ll be able to help answer any questions you may have, and represent you in across the Sunshine Coast.

Our Sunshine Coast lawyers can come to you

That’s why Brooke Winter Solicitors offers a mobile service for those needing help from Sunshine Coast lawyers. Wherever you are in the Sunshine Coast region, we will travel to represent you – and we won’t charge you for the travel time. Whether you’re in Noosa, Caloundra or Maleny, we can provide professional advice on any domestic violence law, traffic law or criminal law matter.

No charge travel costs

We know it’s important to have access to professional legal advice and representation, so we don’t charge extra for travel costs. In fact, the mobile aspect of our work helps us to keep our costs low, so we can keep our services priced at an affordable rate. To learn more about how we can work with you on the Sunshine Coast, contact us to organise a free initial phone consultation.

By keeping many of our services mobile, we can respond fast to your needs, be far more flexible, and cut expensive overheads. By doing this, we can pass the cost savings on to you.

Our mobile lawyers work across Australia

Contact our Sunshine Coast lawyers online to see where we can help you.

Brooke Winter Solicitors

Your Trusted New South Wales Lawyers

If you live in regional New South Wales, it can be difficult to find a lawyer with experience relevant to your case. To book a mobile consultation, call us on 1300 066 669.

Legal issues can be stressful. Often, it can be difficult to get the facts on your options, and on the risks involved. There are many decisions to be made – sometimes in a short time. And, for many people, this is the first time they’ve ever faced a legal issue. The last thing you want is to worry about finding the best lawyer in your small regional NSW town. 

Brooke Winter Solicitors can help. Our mobile lawyers are affordable, available when you need us, and highly experienced. We’re a team of traffic lawyers, criminal lawyers, and family lawyers who can represent you in any regional NSW court.

By keeping many of our services mobile, we can respond fast to your needs, be far more flexible, and cut expensive overheads. By doing this, we can pass the cost savings on to you.

When you’re facing charges, it can be helpful to speak with a NSW lawyer as soon as you can. Criminal or traffic charges can carry life-changing penalties so it’s a good idea to have someone on your side who understands the law.

Brooke Winter Solicitors can help you to understand your circumstances and your options. Then, we can work with you each step of the way. If you need to be represented in a regional NSW court, we can travel for you, and deal with the police on your behalf. 

We have offices in three locations, as well as a regional NSW mobile lawyer service: Gold Coast | Sunshine Coast | Brisbane | Hobart.

We cover a wide range of courts, including:

  • Tweed Heads and surrounding suburbs
  • Lismore and surrounding suburbs
  • Other regional courts throughout NSW

Brooke Winter Solicitors

Your Trusted Queensland Lawyers

If you live in regional Queensland, it can be difficult to find lawyers with experience relevant to your case. To book a mobile consultation, call us at 1300 066 669.

Legal issues can be stressful. It can often be difficult to get the facts on your options and the risks involved. There are many decisions to be made – sometimes in a short time. And, for many people, this is the first time they’ve ever faced a legal issue. The last thing you want is to worry about finding the best lawyer in your small regional QLD town. 

That’s why Brooke Winter Solicitors offers a mobile service. Wherever you are in Queensland, our lawyers will travel to represent you – and we won’t charge you for the travel time. Whether you’re in Brisbane, Gladstone, Cairns, or somewhere in between, we can provide professional advice on any domestic violence law, traffic law, or criminal law matter.

Whether you need legal advice, representation, or just some clarity on your situation, you’re welcome to contact us and ask about our Queensland lawyers.

From DUI charges to family separation, we’re here to help. We can represent you in any regional QLD court.

Whether you’re separating from a spouse, experiencing domestic violence, facing a criminal charge, or been charged with a traffic offence, there are many reasons why someone might need a lawyer in regional Queensland.

We know it’s important to have access to professional legal advice and representation, so we don’t charge extra for travel costs. The mobile aspect of our work helps us to keep our costs low, so we can keep our legal services priced at an affordable rate. To learn more about how we can work with you in regional Queensland, contact us to organise a free initial phone consultation.

We have offices in four locations, as well as a regional QLD mobile lawyer service: Gold Coast | Sunshine CoastBrisbane | Hobart.

We cover a wide range of courts, including:

  • Brisbane and surrounding suburbs
  • Beenleigh and surrounding suburbs
  • Gold Coast and Scenic Rim
  • Sunshine Coast
  • Regional courts throughout Queensland including:

Brooke Winter Solicitors

Hobart, Tasmania

Have you been charged with a criminal offence?

Contact Brooke Winter Solicitors team of Hobart lawyers. We can help fight to achieve the best outcome. 

Brooke Winter Solicitors are expert criminal defence lawyers and are able to assist you with any of the following matters. Our law firm is located in the Hobart CBD however our team of lawyers are able to travel to any court in the state including Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie.

  • Criminal Charges in the Magistrates Court
  • Criminal Charges in the Supreme Court
  • Guilty pleas and sentences;
  • Not guilty pleas and trials (both trials in the
  • Magistrates Court and Jury trials in the Supreme Court);
  • Advice and representation on any criminal matter;
  • Police Investigations and Inquiries.

We have expert lawyers on hand who can give you expert advice, guidance and representation during this stressful time. Do not risk going to court by yourself as the consequences can be devastating, and include loss of licence, hefty fines, lengthy community based orders and imprisonment.

How our lawyers help Hobart

No matter what the charge, our reliable and experienced law firm are able to assist you to obtain the best possible outcome in all circumstances. We regularly represent clients on police charges, both criminal and traffic.

Services we help with

We have expert lawyers on hand who can give you expert advice, guidance and representation during this stressful time. Do not risk going to court by yourself as the consequences can be devastating, and include loss of licence, hefty fines, lengthy community based orders and imprisonment.

Brooke Winter SolicitorsProtecting Your Rights

Before you make a decision on your legal representation, call our local Hobart law firm on
(03) 6240 5437 to discuss your options and get a quote. We offer a fixed fee so that you know exactly how much your matter is going to cost you without any hidden surprises.

Brooke Winter Solicitors
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