The Charges:

  • Breach of Bail
  • Breach of Community Service Order
  • 8 x Contravention of Domestic Violence Order
  • Stealing

Court Attended:

Southport Magistrates Court

Attendance Date:

June 2018

Overview of Case:

In this matter, the client was charged with the above offences.  The client had an extensive criminal history, which included numerous contravention of domestic violence orders, failure to report when on Bail, stealing and other such offences.  The client was only 26 years of age and so had committed numerous crimes in a relatively short period of time.

Further complicating this matter was the fact that the client had been diagnosed with an adjustment disorder and was of no fixed address, and was currently unemployed, meaning that they were unable to afford the medications they were required to take to control their mental health issues.


When this matter was heard, the Police Prosecutions were seeking a 12 month custodial sentence, based on the client’s extensive criminal history and frequency of offending.  We were able to successfully argue for the client to be immediately released from custody and for the client to receive a 12 month Intensive Corrections Order instead of a term of imprisonment.  This meant that the client does not have to serve any further time in custody and is able to access the support services they need to assist them in preventing further offences.

For legal assistance on a criminal matter, contact our experienced lawyers today. We strive to achieve the best possible outcome for each of our clients.