Location » Hobart » Traffic Lawyer Hobart

Traffic Lawyer Hobart

our location details
operating hours
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Reserve Bank Building Level 6, 111 Macquarie Street Hobart, TAS 7000

Brooke Winter Solicitors

Our Hobart Traffic Lawyers

If you’ve received a traffic infringement notice, been involved in a car accident, or are confronting charges related to traffic offences, you require an experienced Hobart traffic lawyer by your side. At Brooke Winter Solicitors, we offer expert legal guidance and representation to help defend your rights and minimise the consequences of traffic-related matters in your life.

Services from our Traffic Lawyer Hobart Team

Our Hobart traffic lawyer team is available to assist you with all your traffic-related legal concerns. With our office conveniently situated in Hobart, we offer a readily accessible regional law service to clients across the region. We’re also mobile, so if it seems out of reach, we can come to your area.

Our knowledgeable driving offence lawyers have dealt with a vast array of cases, from minor infringements to more intricate traffic offences. We understand that encountering any traffic-related issue can be stressful and overwhelming, and we’re here to provide you with the expert legal advice and representation you need.

Our dedicated team of lawyers has extensive experience in addressing various traffic offences, including:

  • Unlicensed driving – never held/expired licence
  • Unlicensed driving – repeat offender
  • High-range drink driving
  • Low-range drink driving
  • Mid-range drink driving
  • Special hardship order
  • Dangerous driving/hooning
  • Unlicensed/disqualified driving
  • Restricted/work licence
  • Drug driving

Restricted Licence Applications & Special Hardship Orders Hobart

Residing in Hobart, our Tasmania traffic lawyers often necessitate access to your vehicle for work and other commitments. Our traffic lawyers Hobart team can assist you if you’re confronting a licence suspension or disqualification, and you depend on your driver’s licence for work or other responsibilities such as supporting your family.

Based on your circumstances, our Hobart traffic lawyers may be able to help you apply for restricted work licences or a special hardship order to assist you in fulfilling prior obligations.

  • We can collaborate with you to determine eligibility for applications
  • We can guide you through the process of applying for a restricted licence

Contacting Our Traffic Lawyer Hobart Team

If you’ve found yourself faced with allegations a Hobart traffic lawyer can assist with, contact us today. Our Hobart lawyers are well-versed in traffic law and offer services that our Hobart drink driving lawyers share to identify and strive for the best possible outcomes for our clients.

With years of experience providing legal services and advice for traffic law cases, we understand how distressing facing a traffic offence can be. More than just legal support, we’re committed to offering empathetic and efficient legal counsel. From engaging in negotiations to communicating with the police on your behalf, we can help alleviate your burden and protect your rights.

If you’re ready to discuss your case with a member of our team, reach out to us today to arrange your initial consultation. We’ll allocate time to sit and listen to your story, address your concerns, and offer you professional legal advice from a member of our traffic lawyer Hobart team.

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