Many Queenslanders are aware that by not following Public Health Directions you can be charged with a crime. But many are not aware of the current mask requirements in Queensland. With the changing requirements and easing of restrictions it can be confusing to be aware of what your obligations are. 

Under the Public Health Direction, Border Restrictions (No. 5) section 362D of the Public Health Act if a person fails to comply with a public health direction without a reasonable excuse they commit an offence with a maximum penalty of 100 penalty units being $13,700.00. An offence under this section of the Act is an infringement notice offence under the State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014.  Infringement notice offences can be enforced by an on-the-spot fine. 

On 8 October Health Minister Yvette D’Ath indicated that whilst you no longer have to wear masks at all times, you are required to carry one whenever you leave your home.  There continue to be mask restrictions in South East Queensland, namely: Ipswich, Logan City, Redlands, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Noosa, Somerset, Lockyer Valley and Scenic Rim.  These restrictions are; you must carry a mask at all times in case you can’t socially distance (this includes outside if you cannot stay 1.5 metres away from people not from your household), you must continue to wear masks indoors unless you’re seated (however, for hospitality venues, masks only need to be worn for entry and exit), masks are to be worn at all times on public transport and in ride shares. 

Outside of South East Queensland you are not required to wear a mask if you have not been in a locked down area or impacted area, or do not reside in the same household as a person who has been in a locked down area or impacted areas. 

Masks are still required in airports on all domestic and international flights.