Attendance Date: January 2018

Overview of Case:

The client called our office on the first day back after the Christmas holidays with an urgent enquiry due to their children being withheld and relocated by the other parent.  The client had not seen the children for two weeks and had found out that the mother had relocated the children approximately three (3) hours west of where the father was living and had changed their schools without notifying the father.


We were able to act promptly and had an appointment with the client that same day to take the necessary details to complete an urgent application to the Federal Circuit Court seeking a Recovery Order.  Documents were completed and filed within 2 business days and the client is now awaiting their date in Court to have their children returned to the Gold Coast with injunctions against the Mother from taking such action in the future.

Do you require expert legal advice for a family law matter or family dispute resolution? We can help. Contact Brooke Winter Solicitors immediately on 1300 066 669 or send us a confidential message.