At Brooke Winter Solicitors, we travel to all regional courts throughout Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania. We specialise in all matters involving:

We love to travel and meet you at your regional court to make you feel at ease and also save you travel expenses. We have represented clients in Cairns, Toowoomba, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Launceston and many other courts.

For more information about our legal services or to book a consultation, you can contact us online or call now on 1300 066 669

An SVO stands for Serious Violent Offender.

A Declaration is automatically applied when someone is found guilty for an offence that is punishable with imprisonment for 10 years or more.

These offences do include:

If you do find yourself in a difficult situation, we are contactable on 1300 066 669.

A probation order is an order in which you are released on upon sentence in a magistrates court. It can be anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.

While on probation, you will be required to comply with a set of requirements such as:

  • Reporting to a probation office upon your release.
  • Not committing further offences.
  • Participating in any programs which your officer requires you to do.
  • Getting permission to leave the state.
  • Notifying the probation office if you change your address

If you don’t agree to a probation order, the magistrate will sentence you to another form of punishment such as a term of imprisonment.

Brooke Winter Solicitors can assist you with traffic law matters. If you’ve been charged with drink driving, contact us for a free initial phone consultation. We’ll assist you to understand your options.

Allanah Patron helps victims of domestic violence every day and understands the sensitive nature of these matters.

Domestic violence can range from physical, emotional, psychological and mental abuse, and includes things like stalking, intimidation, harassment, or anything that causes you to fear for your safety.

Learn more about Domestic Violence law and get advice on Domestic Violence Orders.

If you have been charged with any traffic related matter including drink driving, dangerous driving or unlicensed driving, we recommend that you seriously consider doing the Queensland Traffic Offenders Program (QTOP).

The court will take into consideration any preparations that you do in relation to your traffic matter and may assist you with reducing your sentence.

The QTOP course runs for 3 consecutive sessions, it costs $185 and you will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course. The program is an educational court diversion program involving lectures from a range of driver safter experts, emergency service experts, counsellors, victims and lawyers.

If you’ve been charged with the offence of drink driving or drug driving, you will need to appear in court for that matter.

At Brooke Winter Solicitors, we can provide you with detailed legal advice and help you to complete the necessary preparations to mitigate your disqualification period. Our goal is to seek the minimum disqualification period available for your offence and to get you back on the road sooner.

If you need assistance with drink driving or drug driving charges, please contact us on 1300 066 669.

Obstructing police is a criminal offence in QLD. This means that if you hinder police in the course of their work, you may be charged with obstructing police.

This means that it’s a good idea to comply with any reasonable directions of the police. You do, however, have the right to remain silent, and the right to contact a lawyer.

If you are being investigated by the police, or if you’ve been arrested or charged, it is a good idea to seek legal assistance as early as possible. Until you speak with a lawyer, it’s advisable to exercise your right to remain silent.

Brooke Winter Solicitors have experienced criminal lawyers who can assist you with your case. Contact us for a free initial phone consultation. We’ll assist you to understand your rights and your options.

Domestic violence is a broad range of behaviours, including physical violence, verbal abuse, emotional abuse or economic abuse. If you’re experiencing domestic violence in a relationship, you might feel unsafe or threatened.

If you believe you have been experiencing domestic violence in a relationship, you may apply for a Domestic Violence Order. This video explains the process involved in applying for a Domestic Violence Order. You can apply on your own, or you can receive assistance. For example, a solicitor can work with you on the application.

If someone has made a Domestic Violence Order against you, we can help with this as well.

For more information, contact us to arrange a free initial phone consultation. Our family law team has many years of experience working with domestic violence cases, so we can assist you to understand your options.

A licence suspension can be stressful. Holding a driver’s licence can be an important part of your life.

Many people need a driver’s licence for their work. If you need to drive as part of your job, you might be eligible to apply for a work licence. With this restricted licence, you can drive for work purposes. This can help you to maintain your job while your ordinary driver’s licence is suspended.

Brooke Winter Solicitors often assists people to apply for a restricted licence (work licence). To find out more about the eligibility criteria, watch this video.

If you’re thinking about applying for a work licence, Brooke Winter Solicitors can help. We can assist you to understand your eligibility, and help with preparing the application. Contact us to arrange a free initial phone consultation.

Sammi Dutschke talks about matters involving property settlement following a divorce or separation.

After separating from a spouse, you need to try to reach a property settlement. This is about determining how any jointly owned property will be distributed. For example, you might have owned a house or some shares together.

There are many factors that can influence property settlement after divorce or separation. Examples include the nature of the property, how you gained it, and how you contributed to it. You will need to have these details available during the property settlement process. So, it can take some time to prepare.

If you need help with a property settlement matter, you can speak with a solicitor. A solicitor can help protect your interests so that you can achieve a positive outcome from a settlement.

To arrange a free initial phone consultation with Brooke Winter Solicitors, get in touch. We have experienced family law experts who can help you understand your options.

Brooke Winter Solicitors
Brooke Winter Solicitor

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